AgFarm’s Jogger Plus: A futuristic crop solution for weeds in tea

Weeds damage a significant amount of crops every year, taking away their essential nutrients. As per a recent report, it was found that weeds damaged one-third of the total yields in tea crops. AgFarm, an agrochemical start-up that originated in Dubai recently introduced a new herbicide Jogger Plus Glyphosate 71% SG to reduce the loss in tea production in India. The herbicide is highly potent against a wide range of weeds such as Acalypha Indica, Ageratum Conyzoides, Cichorium Intybus, Digera Arvensis, Cynodon Dactylon, Cyperus Rotundus, Digitaria Sanguinalis, Eragrostis Spp., Ipomea Digitata, Paspalum Conjugatum, Sida Acuta, among others. Why is weed management essential in crops? Weed management is a critical part of the whole yielding process for good productivity. By alleviating the weeds, the growers can obtain the maximum output from the harvest. Weeds pose a serious challenge to farmers. The management of weeds becomes a daunting task, especially when th...